Friday 24 April 2015

discover: decades

Okay, so this band followed me on Twitter and I when deciding who to listen to at random, they got lucky (because I am lazy and they are recent followers).

They are called Decades and they do the kind of rock that got me into music into the first place. I loved listening to it. It's melodic and heavy and sounds like the alt rock bands of  the early '00s but somehow still very 2015.They are four guys with a pretty standard set: vocals, guitars and drums, from New Jersey. No two of their songs sound the same and I am currently repeating Anchors Away, their new single from their EP, Similar Lights which will be released this spring. They're not perfect and they sound like what most alt rock bands sound like in the beginning, but they're worth a shot.

Listen to Anchors Away and tell me what you think in the comments.

You can get a free download of their songs which I'm pretty sure is limited to head over to Soundcloud if you're interested.

Check out their:


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