Saturday 21 February 2015

discover: colony house

The title of this post is from a song by my band of the week (day, month, we'll see), Colony House who are amazing (I say that A LOT. Maybe I should start blogging about music I hate...nah).

These guys are into the whole indie rock bit which is amazing since two of them have lots of potential for pop music. However, I won't be getting into a history you could get from Wikipedia or a Google search.

All three are natives of Tennessee and they've been a band since 2009. The lead singer is Caleb Chapman, whose voice is beautiful, Will, his brother, plays the drums and the guitarist is Scott Mills.

Image courtesy of Teen Vogue.

Their lyrics are so evocative too (wonder who writes the songs), not just lyrics for the sake of being lyrics. Their album When I Was Younger was released on July 22 last year and I heard Silhouettes (one of my favourite songs off the album) last month on an 8tracks playlist and I loved it and everything it seemed to convey. Also, they do rock-n-roll like most bands don't these days. There's something about stripped-down, real instruments that conveys a sense of real emotion in the music to a person and these guys have that.

Lyrics courtesy of the band's website
In an interview with Teen Vogue (I'm paraphrasing here, I think), they said that it's so hard to be original these days especially when your sound was probably influence by another person's sound which is very true, but the thing I love about my perspective on music is my ability to see every band as having their own sound. Take for example, Kodaline who everyone says is a rip-off of Coldplay or something. I think Kodaline sounds like Kodaline because while they may admittedly sound a lot like Coldplay, they have this uniqueness to their music. I don't know where that comes from, but it is there, in my head whenever I listen to their songs. What I'm trying to say is that to me, Colony House sounds like something new (well, new in the sense that I don't know the lyrics to more than three of their songs) and a lot like what I'm sure they mean to sound like- themselves.

They will be touring with Needtobreathe (please tell me you know why they are), Switchfoot (you can't not know them) and a couple of other musicians this year in the 'Tour de Compadres', so be sure to check it out if you can. I strongly suggest getting their album. It's beautiful really.

Right now their touring with KONGOS (who are like...whoa!) and Sir Sly, so check out their website for more info on that.

Listen to their song 'Silhouettes' in my Song of the Day tab and tell me what you think in the comments.

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