Wednesday 4 February 2015

discover: the score

I want that leather jacket!!!

This is The Score (they look like badass Abercrombie boys, I know. Don't judge just yet.)

They are an indie-pop act from New York (the city of dreeeeamssss), now based in LA (according to their Soundcloud account. Their names are: Edan Dover and Eddie Anthony (they're both Eds!). Eddie sings (and I just love his voice) and plays guitar, while Edan plays keyboard and produces their tracks. They are currently unsigned (what in Nutella are labels looking for?!?!) but we all know that won't last.

I just found out about them yesterday and then tweeted at them like I'm some crazy fangirl (which I am...)

They were so nice about it and they replied and everything and damn it...they deserve this post because that song, 'Oh My Love', is freaking amazing. It's the kind of song that makes you want to smile and dance and just be happy. It's in one word: uplifting. There's this raise-your-head-up, foot-stomping, festival-ish (my idea of festivals is skewed because I've never been to one. I know they are never as dreamy as they seem) quality to it.

Now, if you're the kind of person that just likes to be unhappy for the sake of unhappiness, this band might not be for you, however, if you are into the whole sunny dispoisiton on life thing, then they are perfect listening.

Listen to 'Oh My Love' below.

 Isn't it just amazing. Replay, replay, replay!!!

If you like: Train or OneRepublic, you'll definitely like these guys.

They have this casual, pop-rock feeling to their outfits
Check them out on:
Twitter|Soundcloud|Facebook|Their Website|iTunes|YouTube

Download Oh My Love on iTunes and SUPPORT THE BAND.

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They're cute too...
You know, I might just start asking for Skype interviews from the indie artists I tweet and blog about (it is so weird how these words have become part fo our everyday language...). Wouldn't that be so cool though? Seriously though, if Skype interviews seem like a viable thing, tweet me or comment on the post (pleeeeease, comment on the post). Or, you a little...sorry. I had two Red Bulls and a granola bar for breakfast and now I'm in a Theology class and I can't even...

Thank you, people who read these posts that I don't know about. If you want me to blog about your music (which I will only do if I like your music...), then tweet me or you know...nah...sorry.

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